The BC Chicken Marketing Board is excited to announce the launch of our new website!


Our Story

Our Story
Most of the information that follows was found in “Fowl Memories”, a historical review of the poultry industry in British Columbia

Highlighting the History of the BCCMB

our history
building chicken house


The BC Chicken Marketing Board, the first chicken Board in Canada, was established on December 12, 1961. Under the authority of the Natural Products Marketing Act, the Board began operating on January 1, 1962. One of the Board's initial responsibilities was to create a scheme, establish quotas, and provide licencing.
history timeline

1961 - 2011

The BC Chicken Marketing Board is proud to announce that the first 50 years of our organization are now available for viewing. Through the years, the British Columbia chicken industry has made incredible strides, and this archive showcases the amazing progress that has been achieved over the past five decades. Thank you for your continued support of the BC Chicken Marketing Board.

We encourage everyone to click the link below and take a trip down memory lane with us.

2016 - 2017

In 2016 the Board developed a new three-year strategic plan. The plan was finalized in early 2017 after extensive consultation with industry. The new vision is “leading a healthy growing and profitable BC chicken industry”.
bc chicken marketing board office


We moved out of our offices at Windermere Court on Simon Avenue in Abbotsford, BC where we had been since August of 1999. In July, we moved into our new McCallum Junction location at #220 – 1848 McCallum Road in Abbotsford.


It was the 2nd year of a global pandemic and the challenges of dealing with public health ordering plant closures due to COVID outbreaks. Despite many processing facilities being affected, no birds were left behind thanks to the collaborative and cooperative efforts of the processors not affected and growers working with their processors.


Launch of our new website

Our Purpose, Vision and Strategic Plan

We are thrilled to unveil our purpose, vision, and strategic plan that will guide us towards a successful future. Our purpose serves as the foundation of our existence, outlining why we do what we do and the impact we aim to make. The vision paints a vivid picture of where we aspire to be in the future, setting ambitious yet achievable goals. Complementing these is our
strategic plan, a roadmap detailing how we will achieve our objectives and fulfill our purpose.

In January 2024, the Board, staff, and industry members convened for a successful strategic planning workshop to steer the future direction of the organization. Prior to the workshop, stakeholders were engaged through a survey to gather valuable input. The collaborative efforts continued post-workshop, with the Board and senior staff refining the strategic plan. The process entailed refining the vision and mission statements, conducting a SWOT analysis to identify crucial aspects, developing strategic priorities, and establishing key goals, objectives, and metrics for each priority. This comprehensive approach ensures that the British Columbia Marketing Board BCCMB is well-equipped to address challenges and seize opportunities in the industry landscape.


An innovative, growing, and sustainable chicken industry.


Engage with stakeholders to lead a growing chicken industry while enhancing public trust.

Our Story

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