The BC Chicken Marketing Board is excited to announce the launch of our new website!


Quota Use and Access Consultation (QUAC)

Quota Use and Access Consultation (QUAC)

A key aspect of a supply-managed commodity is the assurance of reasonable access to quota (the means of production).  Currently there is no centralized platform (quota exchange) for growers to transfer chicken quota in BC. Rather, quota is transferred privately through hatchery/processor and grower connections and word-of-mouth or advertising.

Prior to completion of the Board’s new strategic plan in Spring 2024, the Board was planning to consult on the question of quota access. The abeyance (in June 2024) of a final NEG program decision provides the Board with the opportunity to review industry input on both fundamental policy areas (a renewed New Entrant program and quota access) in the context of its larger strategic plan objectives. The goal is to ensure that policy and program decisions will complement one another and align with the Board’s strategic goal of having up-to-date and progressive policies that facilitate an innovative and growing chicken industry in BC.

The Board expects to launch the Quota Use and Access Consultation in Fall 2024. More information will be announced in our newsletter and posted here on the website.

Quota Use and Access Consultation (QUAC)

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