The BC Chicken Marketing Board is excited to announce the launch of our new website!


BCCMB Strategic Plan

In January 2024, the management team, Board and industry members met for a strategic planning workshop.

This was followed with the Board and senior staff further articulating the strategic plan.

In the previous month there was a survey of stakeholders, to gather their input.

The process taken to articulate BCCMB strategies was to first identify the desired future (vision, mission and desired future), then assess the current situation (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, trends, and shifts and what BCCMB is doing well, need to do differently, start doing, and stop doing). With that we can then identify issues that need more clarity and resolution and enable the development of the Strategic Priorities to address the issues and critical priorities of BCCMB which become the focus of the strategic plan.

The Board and staff then developed key priorities, goals, objectives and metrics for the various focus areas.


An innovative, growing, and sustainable chicken industry.


Engage with stakeholders to lead a growing chicken industry while enhancing public trust.

Read our 2024 Strategic Plan Summary here


BCCMB Strategic Plan

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