
Board Member Appointments

Reappointment Of Kevin Klippenstein, Chair

We are pleased to announce the reappointment of Kevin Klippenstein as Chair of the BC Chicken Marketing Board for the term beginning December 21, 2024, and ending December 21, 2026. Under Kevin’s leadership, we have made significant progress, and we look forward to building on these achievements as we continue working towards our goals. There is much more to accomplish, and we are excited about the opportunities ahead.

Jim Collins & Vacant Appointed Board Member Position

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Jim Collins, our outgoing board member, for his two years of dedicated service to the BC Chicken Marketing Board and his many decades of contributions to the agriculture industry. During his tenure, Jim played a key role in helping us accomplish several important strategic initiatives. We wish him all the best as he embarks on his next chapter.

The replacement for Jim’s position has not yet been announced, and the Board will continue to operate with this seat temporarily vacant until a new appointment is made. Thank you, Jim, for your invaluable contributions and commitment!


Board Member Appointments

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